bulk chia seeds for horses

Chia seeds provide your horse with essential Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, plus antioxidants like chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and quercetin to support its overall wellbeing.

Horse wormers have long been touted as a solution to prevent sand colic, as they bind much of the sand in its hindgut and allow it to be more efficiently digested by digestion.


Chia seeds are low-fat and high in soluble fiber compared to oats or flax, absorbing 10-12 times their weight in water and expanding to form a gel that supports digestive motility in horses with metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance or pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID). Their mucilage also assists in keeping their bowel and fecal movement regular.

These seeds can be top-dressed on forage cubes or pellets to provide extra hydration and retain electrolytes after exercise, travel, racing or extreme weather. In addition, soaked seeds may also provide extra protein and fiber.

Chia seeds contain two essential fatty acids, alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and linoleic acid (LA), in their ideal balance for human and equine health: these include alpha linolenic acid (ALA) and linoleic acid (LA), essential to human life as well as offering numerous advantages to horses such as lowering insulin levels and supporting skin, hoof, digestion immune function fluid balance nutrient transport.

Chia seeds contain magnesium and calcium, two key elements for bone health. As an excellent source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, they also reduce pain, swelling and stiffness in joints, muscles and other soft tissues – helping horses enjoy stronger coats, healthier hooves and clearer hoof walls as well as healthier skin.

Chia’s mucilage helps bind to and flush away sand from your digestive tract, often used to prevent sand colic. Furthermore, it promotes full cecum capacity and facilitates regular motility to reduce risk for colonic ulcers.


Chia seeds are small black or white seeds that grow in a gel-like manner by absorbing water and expanding to absorb more. Chia is known for being low in sugar and starch while high in soluble fibers, quality proteins, and Omega-3 fatty acids – qualities which make them a popular addition to horse feeds as an alternative to flax seed.

US Chia seeds make for an easy feed option for all kinds of horses, with an extremely long shelf life compared to flax seed which quickly degrades in feed when not properly stored. Chia seeds contain many powerful antioxidants including chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, myricetin and quercetin that help prevent rancidity of their seeds as well as essential minerals like calcium, copper, iron, magnesium manganese potassium phosphorus zinc which all support overall horse health and wellbeing.

Chia seeds can provide an easy and natural way to increase insulin sensitivity and protect against laminitis by offering very little non-structural carbohydrates (NSC). They’re an excellent natural source of Omega-3s which also offer protection from laminitis.

Chia seeds can help improve a horse’s coat, skin and hooves as well as overall health by adding fiber-rich diet to their daily meal. Chia seeds also contain soluble fiber which keeps digestive tract clean; in addition, these seeds are an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which reduce inflammation and accelerate healing from injury.

Addition of chia seeds to your horse’s diet can help him remain calm. Packed with fat-absorbing properties, they absorb excess water while also helping regulate blood sugar levels for greater calm. Fat digests more efficiently than carbohydrates or proteins and therefore produces less heat when digested by horses.

Feeding your horse a healthy diet is essential to their wellbeing and performance at its peak. US chia seeds offer an easy, natural way to provide essential vitamins and nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. You can feed dry seeds directly, or soak them prior to adding to their feed ration as a mash.

Nutritional Value

Chia seeds provide an easy and economical way to boost a horse’s diet. Sourced from the Salvia Hispanica plant, these tiny seeds boast long shelf lives and digest easily by horses. Boasting cool energy from fat sources like Omega 3, they expand up to 12 times their size after being submerged in liquid. Plus they provide minerals, antioxidants, and protein without bulk found in alfalfa feed or similar high protein products.

Chia seeds are an ideal natural prebiotic source, boasting insoluble fiber to support gut health and digestion. Once mixed with water, this soluble fiber absorbs it to form a gel which draws out toxins from the stomach while soothing and protecting its mucilaginous coating – also helping prevent ulcers or colic in digestive systems.

Chia seeds contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that promote cardiovascular function and immunity in horses, as well as being an excellent source of energy and calories – an adult horse requires nine kilocalories of energy from every gram of fat! Furthermore, this source provides more steady blood sugar levels that don’t lead to spikes that trigger hot behavior.

Chia seeds’ fat has the additional benefit of helping calm horses. This is because fat metabolism produces less heat than digestion of carbs or proteins, and studies have demonstrated that horses given a diet containing higher percentages of fat respond less reactively to startling stimuli; also Omega-3 fatty acids help reassure nervous or excitable temperaments.

Ponies, miniatures and donkeys typically require less fat than full-sized horses due to their smaller stomachs; however, they still need daily sources of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) and LA (linoleic acid), like feeding chia seeds which contain these essential fatty acids.

Chia seeds can be fed dry or soaked and fed as part of a horse’s daily ration or mixed in with forage cubes or pellets. Most horses require approximately one cup daily; larger amounts could prove too calorie-dense.


Chia seeds can be added as an add-on to your horse’s feed or mixed in their feed, such as hay, pellets or forage cubes. They can also be fed dry or soaked in water to make a mash for easier hydration needs. Chia seeds provide an excellent source of protein as well as essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron potassium zinc manganese copper omegas – plus significant levels of antioxidants which may reduce free radical damage!

Chia seeds produce a thick mucilage when they’re soaked, which may help soothe gastric ulcers and colic episodes while providing pain relief for sore muscles and joints. Chia seeds also act as natural anti-inflammatories which could benefit horses with metabolic conditions like PSSM or Cushing’s syndrome as an anti-inflammatory strategy; additionally they’re high in omegas which provide an easy way to sustain balanced fatty acid intake.

US Chia Seeds are easily digested and highly palatable. Ideal for all breeds and ages of horses, US Chia Seeds can improve coat, skin, hoof health and digestive wellbeing.

Chia seeds offer horses an excellent source of protein and essential fatty acids, and are an energy source of great value. Their low glycemic index makes them suitable for horses with diabetes; additionally, the seeds’ ability to retain electrolytes and promote hydration makes them especially valuable during hot weather or training or competition sessions.

Bulk chia seeds come in five and 20-pound packs, making it easy to select an appropriate amount for your horses. These nutrient-rich seeds can be added daily to their diet for enhanced coat, hooves, digestion, hoof health and more – they provide a safe, natural and cost-effective alternative to other supplements which may be more difficult for horses to digest than desired. Furthermore, their mucilage can support gut motility while aiding regularity bowel movement – particularly beneficial in horses with metabolic conditions like PPID or Cushing’s syndrome.