The Liege fighter chicken is an impressive heritage breed that would make an excellent addition to any flock. Despite their intimidating look, these poultry are friendly towards humans and make excellent companions for young children.

These birds can reach over 30 inches tall and 12 pounds in weight. With feet the size of turkeys and large spurs, these majestic beasts can weigh as much as 12 pounds!


The Liege Fighter Chicken is an uncommon breed of poultry originally developed for use in cock fighting competitions. Created by crossing Asiatic with Malayan breeds, this new hybrid was capable of flying and protecting its flock against predators during bouts lasting several rounds – an extremely dangerous yet exciting sport! Unfortunately, however, its numbers have since diminished drastically; now endangered. Despite its intimidating appearance however, Liege fighter chickens are very gentle towards human handlers; good flock guardians that can also be trained to follow commands. Compared to other breeds of poultry however; health issues rarely affect them either!

Large game birds that weigh 12 pounds or more, called liege fighters can reach 12 pounds in weight. Their feet resemble that of turkeys and their distinctive spurs stand out against any background. Although aggressive, liege fighters are known to be friendly towards humans and children alike and can even be trained to interact with children if desired. One might describe them as the Chuck Norris of chickens! These striking birds make any coop stand out.

Lige fighters, with their aggressive natures and gentle natures, make excellent livestock protectors and are extremely tolerant when handled by humans. Unfortunately, however, they’re not suitable for those without significant experience with large breeds of poultry as their strength makes them challenging to manage; nevertheless they remain calm and friendly towards children – even toddlers!

Besides their protective instincts, the liege fighter poultry breed is stunningly beautiful. Boasting black breast and tail feathers with light reddish-golden neck feathers. Their red comb and wattle also contribute a hint of red hue; their legs are muscular dark grey in color while their legs also boast some red hues. Their hens produce large cream-colored eggs which typically lay 5 large eggs every week!

Though Liege fighter chickens are rare breeds, it is still possible to purchase one locally from poultry farmers. When purchasing one it is important to verify its origin; some breeders may alter standards which could result in genetic problems; for this reason it is wise to purchase from a reputable hatchery and purchase from there instead of purchasing from local sellers. Also keep in mind that these large birds require plenty of room for exercise and movement and should not be kept in cages that are too small or raised with small children as these should all be considered factors when purchasing them locally from poultry farmers or local poultry farmers.


Liege fighter chickens are an extraordinary breed of poultry. Boasting roosters and hens which can reach over 30 inches tall and 12 pounds respectively, with feet the size of turkeys, giant spurs, and feet larger than turkey feet; their fierce appearance belies an extremely friendly disposition; perfect companions to explore the limits of poultry kingdom!

These birds are extremely obedient and will protect their flocks from predatory animals, making them a good option for urban environments as they’re more adaptable than other breeds of chickens. Furthermore, they’ve even proven adept at deterring hawks and other large birds, making them the perfect addition to a backyard flock!

While the Liege fighter chicken is stunningly beautiful, breeding it may prove challenging due to its size and unique characteristics. To maximize fertile eggs production and healthy offspring generation, hybrid hens should be crossed with larger breeds like Buff Orpington; however, hybrids may not produce as many eggs than purebred varieties.

These impressive-looking roosters make an eye-catching addition to any poultry enthusiast’s collection, boasting lean frames with black skin, prominent brows and small combs and wattles – not unlike standard breeds except with more pointed red-coloured combs!

Not to be outdone by their intimidating appearance, these chickens are very obedient and will protect their flock from predators. Additionally, these hardy birds do not suffer any major health issues and thus make an excellent addition to any flock.

The Liege fighter was created specifically to cockfight, making him one of the world’s most expensive breeds. Bred using crossbreeding with oriental breeds to increase its fighting capabilities, this breed boasts strong muscles capable of withstanding heavy blows while its massive feet feature natural spurs instead of sharpened metal gaffes used for fighting cockfighting bouts – giving rise to nicknames such as “Hawk Killer” due to their ability to repel predators or large birds such as hawks or as “Hawk Killers”.

Health issues

This breed boasts an excellent immune system and lower susceptibility to diseases than other breeds due to their history as fighting chickens, where their feathers were used as protection from predators and the elements. Furthermore, their active nature makes them excellent breeding stock for farmers who value strong egg layers who can tolerate cold temperatures well. These traits make liege fighter roosters especially suitable for farmers looking for breeding options while their calm disposition makes them excellent egg layers as well. Despite their intimidating appearance they make great companions; learning quickly with commands followed; in fact some even tolerate small children very well!

Although their appearance may be intimidating, liege fighters are generally very peaceful creatures. This is especially true of their hens which typically produce six to seven eggs each week and are known for their longevity. They should not be kept with other roosters in a coop as this could trigger aggressive behaviors – these birds would do best free-ranging in large backyards with free range/free roam policies in place. Their large, muscular roosters make formidable opponents in cockfighting with massive feet and giant spurs as well as an upright posture; these qualities make them formidable opponents who easily overpower other fighting breeds while providing adequate guarding against foxes/coons/foxes etc.

The liege fighter is one of the world’s most expensive breeds. Their roosters can grow to 30 inches tall and 12 pounds in weight – making them one of the largest game birds ever seen in nature! Commonly referred to as “hawk killers”, the liege fighter marries fierceness with elegance to create one of nature’s ultimate game birds.

Liege fighter roosters boast powerful kicks, the ability to run quickly, huge feet and giant spurs to catch hawks in flight, good egg layers that produce large cream-colored eggs, as well as being free from health concerns if fed a balanced diet and kept in clean environments.


Liege fighter chickens appear intimidating, yet are friendly towards humans and nonaggressive towards predators. Roosters of this breed can grow up to 30 inches in height and weigh 12 pounds – twice as large as American game fowl! Their feet are as big as turkey feet; their head sports an arched brow with an intense gaze; while hens produce five eggs weekly.

These birds are perfect for anyone looking for a large source of meat and eggs. Easy to keep, hardy, and rarely subject to health issues, they make excellent broilers too. Sexing young birds may take several months before it is clear who their parents are; otherwise they’re very hardy, repel predators well, and thrive free-ranging.

The liege fighter is an endangered breed and only three Belgian fighting chickens remain; these include the Bruges and Tience Vechters. Created by crossbreeding Asian and Malayan chickens for competition cockfighting events, these rare birds were highly sought-after due to their egg and meat supply needs being fulfilled for Belgian residents.

Care of these birds is simple, yet space is required for proper management. Due to being large birds and dominance issues, they may cause fights among their species; so it is best to gradually introduce other birds into their environment.

Liege fighters make an ideal flock protector. These stunningly beautiful birds will serve to defend your backyard against any predators; their fierce looks will discourage hawks, eagles or any other birds who try to attack. Additionally, their fierce guarding of your flock means it will defend its eggs against potential danger.

One can find some disagreement on what constitutes a true Liege Fighter, with some advocating that its skin should be white with red pigmentation in its comb, ear lobe, and wattle areas. However, registration of this breed doesn’t necessitate this feature and you can purchase these roosters both from hatcheries as well as private breeders.