can goats have horse treats

Goats are hardy animals that can survive eating almost anything; however, care must be taken in choosing what they consume in order to avoid serious health problems.

As an example, they should avoid eating fruit pits as these contain cyanide when digested and foods high in sugar and caffeine such as chocolate.


Peppermints make an irresistibly tasty and nutritious treat for goats to enjoy! Low in sugar and calories but packed full of essential nutrients such as fiber and essential fatty acids, these treats help soothe digestive issues while refreshing breath fresheners! Peppermints can either be grown in your own garden or purchased from stores.

Although most horse treats are safe for goats, some may not. You should avoid giving your goat any treats that contain chocolate or any toxic ingredients; additionally, giving too many treats could lead to obesity and health complications.

Molasses balls are another treat you can give to your goat as a treat, and are an easy and tasty way to administer medicine to them. Simply combine powdered medication with molasses and roll into balls; bake these until crispy and brown in color!

Your goats may also benefit from receiving some hay and alfalfa cubes, which are high in fiber and protein, making them an effective way of slowly transitioning them from milk-only diet to solid food during weaning. These products can usually be found at farm feed stores.

Sugar cubes

Goats are strong and hardy animals that enjoy eating almost anything. It is essential that their treats be nutritionally sound; any high in molasses foods should be avoided as these could easily lead to diarrhea and weight gain in goats. There are numerous snack and treat options for goats that you can make easily at home and will surely delight them!

Goats can also enjoy munching on hay cubes, small pieces of horse hay that are very delicious and easy for goats to chew on. Hay cubes make an ideal treat for goats with dental problems, helping remove tartar and plaque build-up while providing important sources of fiber and other vital nutrients.

Oat bubble treats made of oats and molasses can also make an excellent treat for goats, making for a yummy treat they can find at most farm-feed stores. Oat bubble treats are especially great as a transition food as young goats begin eating solid food as they wean off milk.

Finally, give your goats some horse chestnuts as a tasty and nutritious treat. These nuts contain high levels of proteins and fats for their energy requirements – they make an ideal snack. Just be mindful to limit how many horse chestnuts you give them; too many could lead to an upset stomach!

Spanish dried dates

Purchasing horse treats may be beneficial to any owner with horses. They’re great ways to reward good behavior or even use as training tools when teaching tricks; Mary’s Tack and Feed offer three pound containers filled with alfalfa hay and oat hay with dried apple pomace flavors sure to please your horse’s palate, plus they are copper free for compatibility with sheep as well.

Goats are highly adaptable animals that can feed off of almost anything they encounter, which makes them great at collecting trash on farms. But they should only consume foods designed for goats to prevent weight gain and keep health at its optimal. Avoid giving treats high in molasses or sugar as these could be unhealthy to their wellbeing.

Though goats can be fed horse treats, you should always be wary of the ingredients found within them. If unsure, consult with a vet or professional goat nutritionist before giving anything new to them; alternatively introduce horse treats gradually to minimize any possible discomfort for them.

Horse feed

Horse feed is a snack composed of ingredients like oatmeal, sugar cubes and other edible substances. While safe for goats to eat as treats, their nutritional needs differ considerably than humans do and should not serve as the main source of nourishment for their wellbeing. By replacing their daily protein needs with horse treats as their source of sustenance they may develop nutritional deficiencies over time.

But if you use it sparingly to reward your goats, they will love it! Just be wary not to overdo it as too many treats could cause bloat or other digestive issues in them; any chocolate products should also be avoided as these are toxic for goats.

Raisins can make an excellent treat for goats. Low in sugar but high in moisture content, raisins provide their animals with essential nourishment – however they do not form part of their natural diet.

Kelp meal can make an excellent snack for your goats. Packed full of nutrients like iodine and selenium, kelp meal is great for dairy goats as it helps them to decrease mastitis while increasing milk production. You can find it online as well as local feed stores – it comes in pellet form making it even easier for goats to eat! This treat is copper free so can also protect them from parasitic infestation.

Horse chestnuts

Horse treats are an effective way to reward and train goats. But it is essential to weigh their benefits against potential risks before giving any treat to your goat. If in doubt about which treat to give, always consult your veterinarian first.

Peppermints are an often-given treat to horses, and can make for an equally tasty and nutritive snack for goats as a delicious and sweet snack. Peppermints help freshen breath while keeping energy levels up – but should only be given periodically and not daily as part of their training regimen or medication regime. If using peppermints medicinally or to train a goat, make sure their usage doesn’t exceed acceptable limits.

Sugar cubes are another tasty and healthy treat that you can offer your goats as treats. While they provide a sweet and healthy snack, too much may cause bloat. As an alternative, try giving your goats some kelp meal which contains numerous beneficial nutrients including iodine and selenium for even greater nutrition benefits.

Pine cones can make an excellent natural snack for goats. Packed full of fiber, they’ll help prevent splinters from forming on the bottoms of their feet while providing healthy snacks rich in both protein and fiber. You could also feed them acorns as an additional healthy option!


Goats are notoriously hardy eaters, often serving as trash collectors on farms. Yet despite their hardiness, it is essential to remember that not all treats are suitable for goats; any that contain chocolate or other toxic ingredients should be avoided, while anything high in sugar should only be offered moderately. If in doubt about any particular treat being suitable for your goats, consult a veterinarian immediately.

Raisins are an irresistibly sweet snack suitable for goats to snack on, typically made of dried grapes and providing essential moisture. Although raisins provide essential hydration, it should only form part of the goat’s daily diet, due to their high level of sugar causing digestive upset and stomach complications.

Kelp meal provides another healthy treat for goats. Packed full of essential minerals like iodine and selenium, kelp meal can help dairy goats avoid mastitis while increasing milk production. When providing your goats with this treat, be sure to store it in an airtight container to prevent soiling.

Animal crackers are another favorite snack among goat owners and trainers alike. Not only are these treats tasty and full of essential fiber and vitamins, they make great training rewards – however it’s important to remember that animal crackers weren’t designed specifically for goats so it should only be given occasionally.