can goats eat horse treats

Goats are extremely strong and hardy animals. While they will eat nearly anything you give them, care must be taken when selecting horse treats as some contain ingredients which could be dangerous for goats.

Horse treats that contain high concentrations of sugar and calories may cause bloat in goats, leading to obesity and bloat.


Goats love treats, and many horse treats can be given in moderation without adverse side effects for goats. Some treats, however, contain high amounts of sugar which could potentially lead to digestive issues in goats. Furthermore, goats can be especially susceptible to toxic substances so it is wise to evaluate all potential risks before giving your goat any particular horse treat.

Raisins are an irresistibly sweet snack or dessert option for goats that is both nutritious and sweet, perfect as a treat or reward. Packed full of fiber, raisins can encourage goats to drink more water which benefits both their digestive system and overall wellbeing. But too much may lead to weight gain and digestive issues in goats.

Crackers and pretzels should be avoided as they contain high amounts of sugar and salt, which may lead to digestive upset and bloat for goats. Furthermore, some horse treats come from feedlots where bacteria or pathogens could potentially contaminate them; it’s best to combine any treats you do offer your goat with nutritious foods like pellets or hay for optimal results.

There are various horse treats that are safe for goats to consume in small quantities, including molasses cookies and horse cookies. These cookies typically feature oatmeal or molasses, and provide your goat with an important source of nutrition. It is wise not to give too many treats like these though as they could contain too much sugar and don’t offer sufficient vitamins and minerals that meet its dietary requirements.

As well as these treats, goats may also safely enjoy cucumbers, squash and zucchini which are low in both sugar and calories and easy to grow in small gardens. Cucumbers provide extra hydration while squash and zucchini contain vitamins A and C for enhanced health benefits. Green beans contain plenty of fiber which may help alleviate constipation symptoms in goats.

Sugar Cubes

Horses may love their sugary treats, but goats also enjoy indulging in sweet snacks now and then as snacks. It is important to monitor their intake in order to prevent digestive or weight issues in both goats and their owners.

Goats enjoy eating sugar cubes, made of molasses and corn syrup. You can find these treats at most feed stores and they add extra sweetness to a goat’s diet – however it’s important to limit how many your goat consumes as too many can lead to digestive and metabolic issues.

Goats are ruminants animals that require an ample supply of protein in their diet. While their cecum and large intestine can produce some proteins themselves, providing high-quality sources is still essential to their wellbeing and it is therefore imperative for owners of goats to provide their pets with protein-rich treats that will aid their wellness.

One of the easiest and most efficient ways to give goats protein is through feeding them high-quality hay and alfalfa cubes enriched with proteins, calcium and other essential minerals for goat health. Goats love munching these treats; plus, they’re an excellent source of fiber!

Horse chestnuts, similar to walnuts in terms of taste and texture, make an excellent treat for goats. While horse owners commonly use these treats as dental care treats for their horses, goats also appreciate them as a dental aid – these treats help support natural cleaning behaviors by the goat and prevent tartar or plaque build-up on teeth.

Horse Cookies

Goats, unlike horses, are herbivorous rather than carnivores and require leafy greens and other low-fat plants for their optimal health. Although many owners of goats offer their pet treats from time to time, remember that excessive snacking could lead to weight gain, digestive issues or other serious health concerns for your goat.

Hay cubes are an extremely popular snack among goats and horses alike. Constructed of high-grade hay, these delicious treats can satisfy their desire for crunchiness while simultaneously aiding them with any dental issues by scraping away tartar and plaque from their teeth.

Apple pieces are another treat that goats and horses alike enjoy eating, however it’s important to remember only give thin apple pieces that are very fresh to avoid any smaller pieces getting stuck in your animal’s throat. Furthermore, when feeding apples to goats it is wise to avoid giving any fruits from nightshade family such as peppers or avocados as these could lead to digestive upset as well as other health problems for them.

Horse cookies are a delicious and nutritious treat that you can easily create at home using ingredients you likely already have in your pantry or fridge. Making horse cookies shows your horse that you care and is an awesome surprise on special occasions like their birthday or holiday! Plus, this tasty treat encourages physical activity as they need to run and jump to get at these tasty morsels of delight.

To create horse cookies, combine oats, milk and honey in a bowl and stir until everything is evenly mixed. If the mixture becomes sticky, additional oats or flour may need to be added until it reaches your desired texture. Once your desired consistency has been reached, roll 1″ balls out onto a greased baking sheet before decorating them using either store-bought icing or making your own by mixing powdered sugar with water. Once cool, decorate these treats as you please!

Pine Cones

Horse treats are small bites of food often given as rewards or to encourage good behavior in horses. These treats typically consist of fruits and vegetables, grains, and molasses that cater specifically to horses’ preferences for flavor. Goats can also enjoy these treats; though their enthusiasm for them may be diminished slightly. Though generally safe for consumption by goats as some contain ingredients that could potentially be toxic to them.

Sugar cubes are small white or brown discs composed of sugar, corn syrup and other ingredients. Sugar cubes are a favorite snack among horses but goats also enjoy them in moderation as a nutritious source of fiber and sugar; however, excessive consumption could lead to bloating and digestive issues.

Goats may enjoy animal crackers in moderation, though it is essential to limit their intake as these snacks contain both salt and sugar. They should only be used as treats during training or hand feeding – not rewards because these could encourage nibbling!

Kale is another safe snack option for goats to eat, providing plenty of essential vitamins and minerals in one convenient package. Sunflower seeds and peanuts should only be given occasionally because they’re high in fat and calories; other plant-based foods should only be fed to goats occasionally per day.