araucana hatching eggs

Araucana hens produce vividly hued blue-shelled eggs. The intensity of their hue depends on where in their laying cycle the hen is; she will produce more vivid hues at first and gradually lighten up toward its end.

They’re hardy creatures who thrive through hot summers and cold winters with ease, loving to receive attention. Raising one is fun too!

Buying Araucana Eggs on Ebay

Araucana chickens, native to Chile, are an exquisite breed, known for laying blue eggs that stand out among other breeds. Araucanas are active and alert birds that love exploring; friendly towards humans and easy to raise. Araucanas make great backyard flock additions; it is essential that they have adequate space and protection against weather or predators for maximum success and foraging potential.

Araucanas come in both standard and bantam sizes, weighing from 2.7 to 3.2 kg with the latter typically heavier. Araucanas are medium-sized birds with white skin color and full tails; an individual Araucana hen can meet most of her nutritional needs through foraging outside her coop.

When purchasing Araucana hatching eggs on eBay, it’s essential that you conduct proper research and ensure you purchase genuine eggs from a trustworthy seller. Scammers may sell fake or subpar hatching eggs; so knowing what signs to look out for can save time and hassle in the future. Only purchase eggs from trustworthy sources with great feedback records to ensure reliability before making your purchase decision.

The Araucana chicken breed is often confused with other species of egg-laying poultry due to its distinctive looks, yet these hardy and sweet birds produce gorgeous blue eggs – an invaluable asset on any farm or homestead! Although Araucanas aren’t as rare as Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers, they still can be difficult to come by; many breeders offer them for sale exclusively. To differentiate Araucanas from Ameraucanas, be sure to inspect their pea-comb, lack of tufting at their ears, tail or even its rudimentary presence and feathers or stubs on their shank that number fewer than four. Araucanas don’t possess ear tufts but do feature distinctive features such as muffs and beards that distinguish them from other breeds of chickens.

Finding Araucana Eggs on Ebay

Araucana chickens are one of the world’s most strikingly beautiful breeds of poultry, famed for their distinctive tufts of feathers that rise around their ears and blue eggs they produce. Cold hardy birds capable of living in various climates, these chickens make excellent pets or can serve as food production birds – however these birds can sometimes be hard to come by and expensive!

Araucano chickens take their name from the Araucano tribe of native South Americans. It is thought they originated in Chile’s Araucania region. Prof. Castello first displayed them at Europe at the 1921 Poultry Congress he imported in 1914 from South America; these original birds featured pea combs with feather tufts growing near their ears for easy predation by predators and made for long lives in the wild.

Araucana roosters and hens are medium-sized; weighing between 6.5 pounds (3 kg) and 5.5 pounds (2 kg). Their pea comb is beautiful, featuring rounded sides. Araucana hens make excellent mothers; however, be wary when hatching your own Araucana chicks as broodyness can reduce egg production significantly. If a hen appears broody or stops producing eggs altogether or loses significant weight over time it may be time to separate her from any unhatched eggs to prevent possible broody mothers from any unhatched eggs.

If you want to purchase Araucana eggs, look for them at local poultry shows or online. Many websites will list available birds with prices listed as well as forums where new chicken owners can ask questions about specific ones – an invaluable resource to determine which breed best fits their family!

Araucana chickens are notable because they do not possess tails. With excellent flying ability and active foraging habits, Araucana chickens provide ample nutrients through bugs or natural sources that could reduce grocery expenses. Although Araucanas are challenging creatures to raise, their rewarding rewards make the effort worth while.

Buying Araucana Eggs from a Breeder

Araucana chickens are an uncommon breed of blue egg laying poultry that are enjoyable to raise and care for. Playful yet social, they make ideal backyard companions while producing stunning blue eggs that shine brighter than most other breeds. For an extra special addition to your poultry collection, consider purchasing Araucanas from breeders; while they will likely cost more than hatcheries do but will give you access to healthy birds of their own kind!

If you are interested in breeding Araucanas, selecting a breeder who specializes in this species will ensure you receive healthy chicks that produce beautiful eggs without disease and are free from parasites. Furthermore, an experienced breeder will be able to answer any queries that you have about this unique bird while providing advice and tips on caring for these special birds in order to minimize problems that may arise from the process.

Reputable Araucana breeders offer an assortment of colors and have a deep knowledge of genetics. Additionally, they will know how best to support their chicks during the first few weeks of life; providing safe environments, providing adequate nutrition and hydration and helping prevent any infections or parasites from invading.

Another advantage to obtaining Araucanas from reputable breeders is their expertise. A knowledgeable Araucana breeder will know more about breeding quality birds and willingly share this knowledge, which can prove invaluable when starting up a flock or breeding program.

Araucanas are an extremely popular breed for many reasons. Their distinct appearance makes them popular with backyard farmers, while their beautiful blue eggs stand out against any background. Furthermore, Araucanas make excellent pets as well. Being relatively active birds they make great companions. Though skittish when not inside their run or coop it’s important to allow plenty of room to roam as this will keep predators at bay.

Buying Araucana Eggs from a Pet Store

Araucanas make excellent additions to any backyard flock. As active birds that enjoy exploring their surroundings, these birds make great companions both humans and domestic animals like small dogs. Although Araucanas may be domineering over other breeds within a flock, bullying could occur between weaker birds. Therefore it’s essential that when buying Araucana eggs from pet stores it is vital that buyers do their due diligence on seller’s background and reputation before purchasing eggs – if they cannot provide references then avoid buying from them or can’t answer basic questions then this seller.

A reliable pet store will employ knowledgeable staff with in-depth knowledge of chickens. Their experts should be able to advise you on the appropriate feed, housing and equipment for your hens as well as provide information about local predators such as hawks or foxes; this is important because Araucanas are vulnerable to predators so it is recommended they be kept safely fenced-in within a pen to reduce risks from predators.

Hens should be fed a diet high in proteins and low in carbohydrates, with access to fresh water and grit at all times. Depending on their season of birth, they may require being wormed as well.

Egg color should also be an important factor. Araucana hens should lay blue or turquoise eggs, although not all will do. If your aim is to sell eggs from them all, ensuring all hens produce these colored eggs will increase sales significantly.

Araucana hens can become broody and will sit on eggs, making them ideal if you plan to hatch chicks yourself; however, this could present problems if selling eggs is your sole objective. Additionally, Araucanas are cold hardy birds which take a break from laying during winter but start again once daylight increases again.