black oil sunflower seeds for horses

Black oil sunflower seeds, commonly found in birdseed mixes, have become an invaluable dietary supplement for horses to promote healthy coats and weight gain. Packed full of fat-rich omega 3 fatty acids as well as other vital nutrients, these seeds offer numerous advantages over their competitors.

BOSS are designed with thinner hulls than the typical sunflower seeds used by humans, making them easier for horses to chew and digest.

High in Omega-6 Fatty Acids

Sunflower seeds are a staple in feed rooms across the world due to their abundance of fats that may promote skin health, coat shine and weight gain in horses. But not all sunflower seeds are created equal: classic non-oil sunflower seeds consumed at sporting events and bakery industries are often non-feed for horses; black oil sunflower seeds commonly known as BOSS are the type most often given as they have higher oil content and better digestibility with thinner hulls that make chewing and digesting them much simpler than non-oil varieties.

Sunflower seed hulls contain high concentrations of omega 6 fatty acids while providing little in the way of omega 3s. Therefore, supplementing a horse’s diet that includes an abundance of sunflower seeds with fish oil to add essential omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA will help counteract their potentially inflammatory effects and provide balance to an otherwise potentially unhealthy diet.

One cup of black oil sunflower seeds provides more than 10,000 milligrams of omega 6 fatty acids while only providing 34 grams of omega 3. An excessive consumption of BOSS could potentially cause joint and skin issues in horses; to minimize any negative consequences it is wise to monitor how much BOSS he or she consumes daily.

Veterinarians have not established standard amounts of sunflower seeds that are safe for horses to eat daily; however, 2 ounces (about 1/2 cup / 56-133 grams) is safe to feed daily without risk of colic or gas in the digestive tract. Feeding more may lead to problems.

While sunflower seeds provide excellent sources of protein, vitamins, and minerals for horses, it’s important to remember that they’re also high-calorie food that may lead to obesity issues in some horses. Therefore, for optimal health it is wise to give the animal small treats of BOSS grain every so often to keep them feeling satisfied without overfeeding.

High in Magnesium

Sunflower seeds contain many essential vitamins, proteins, minerals and omega 6 fatty acids that horses need for health. Furthermore, these seeds boast an impressive 100 milligrams of magnesium per ounce of black oil sunflower seeds! One of the most popular additions to horses’ diets, these mini nuggets provide tons of nutrition while being affordable – you can find black oil sunflower seeds at both feed stores and online retailers that specialize in horses or horse supplies.

Many horse owners give their horses BOSS daily as a health-supportive supplement. It’s important to remember, though, that no scientific studies have been done on what constitutes the appropriate feeding rate of black oil sunflower seeds; any higher intake could potentially lead to weight gain, digestive issues or even toxicity; prior to making any dietary adjustments consult your vet first.

Black Oil Sunflower Seeds Are Packed With Protein, Fibre and Vitamin E! Also, these delicious seeds provide potassium, zinc, iron and calcium – great sources of essential nutrition! You can find black Oil Sunflower Seeds both at feed stores and pet stores; sometimes even included as ingredients in commercial horse feed products!

Although linseed, flax seed and hemp seed are well-known sources of omega-3 fatty acids, many may not realize that black oil sunflower seeds also offer this essential source. Although black oil sunflower seeds should only be consumed in moderation as too much may lead to digestive discomfort.

Black oil sunflower seeds have been discovered to contain low levels of phytic acid, making them easier for horses to digest and absorb. Furthermore, they’re an excellent source of magnesium – an essential mineral needed to support healthy muscle, nerve, and bone function as well as helping reduce inflammation for improved overall wellbeing in horses.

Feeding black oil sunflower seeds daily to your horse can enhance their coat and bring out its shine, as well as provide essential vitamin E benefits which protect cells and tissues against damage.

High in Protein

Sunflower seeds are an integral component of horse feed, and many owners like to include them as treats for their horse’s diet. Black oil sunflower seeds contain healthy fats and proteins as well as essential vitamins and minerals needed by horses for good health – plus calories to help gain weight faster!

One of the main advantages of feeding your horse black oil sunflower seeds is their omega-6 fatty acid content, which can promote shiny coats and healthy skin conditions in horses. Furthermore, they serve as an energy source if your horse needs help gaining weight as each pound contains approximately 2500 calories.

Note that not all sunflower seeds are equal. “Classic” sunflower seeds commonly enjoyed at sporting events or used in bakery industries do not usually contain oil and should therefore not be fed to horses. On the other hand, black oil sunflower seeds (BOSS) have thinner hulls which make them easier for horses to chew and digest.

Black oil sunflower seeds contain omega-6 fatty acids as well as protein – essential nutrients that horses need for building muscle and maintaining immunity. Unfortunately, horses cannot produce their own proteins so must get them through diet alone.

One cup of black oil sunflower seeds provides your horse with approximately 10,000 milligrams of omega 6 fatty acids and only 34 milligrams of omega 3, providing them with optimal anti-inflammatory responses and helping their cells work more efficiently.

Black oil sunflower seeds offer more than Omega-6 fatty acids and protein; they’re also an excellent source of vitamin E – a key antioxidant which strengthens immunity and protects against disease – making it an excellent dietary supplement for older horses or those with compromised immunity systems.

High in Fiber

Sunflower seeds are high in fiber content, making them an excellent way to add more bulk and body to the diet of horses needing additional bulk in their diets. But too much of any kind of fiber may cause problems for horses such as colic and gas; therefore it is wise to feed only small amounts such as half cup per day of sunflower seeds.

Black oil sunflower seeds are often added as supplements for horses because of their abundance in vitamins, proteins, minerals and omega 6 fatty acids (omega 6). Black oil sunflower seeds also boast 100 milligrams per ounce magnesium content as well as providing plenty of vitamin E – essential components in keeping horses healthy and happy!

Note that although black oil sunflower seeds contain high levels of omega 6 fatty acids, they don’t provide many omega 3 fatty acids compared to their omega 6 content. Therefore, for optimal results they should be fed along with another source of omega 3s such as flaxseed or chia seeds in order to balance out any potential inflammation caused by excess omega 6s in their diets.

Black oil sunflower seeds differ from their regular striped counterparts in that their thin shell makes them easier for animals and birds to crack, providing more fat content than their counterparts as well as increased protein and calcium for horse nutrition.

Black oil sunflower seeds contain plenty of phosphorous, an essential mineral essential to bone development and growth. Because these seeds provide so much phosphorous, pregnant mares or young horses often choose them to help prevent any deformities caused by deficiencies of this nutrient.

Sunflower seeds provide horses with energy-rich calories that help fuel an active lifestyle, yet should only be fed in small quantities in order to avoid colic or gas symptoms. They’re also an effective way to add extra caloric intake if weight gain is necessary.