Cardinal Shaped Bird Feeder

Cardinals are stunning ground-feeding birds who love feeding on black oil sunflower seeds, safflower seed, shelled unsalted peanuts and suet, depending on your feeder setup. As cardinals are medium-size birds,…

Do Crows Eat Pigeons?

Crows are opportunistic feeders and will take any opportunity to attack any bird they come across, including pigeons. When feeding on unguarded or nesting pigeons they will swoop down quickly…

Do Ravens Eat Rabbits?

Rabbits may seem innocuous enough, but they pose an immense danger for crows as opportunistic feeders who will readily consume any living creature they see as prey. Crows typically hunt…

Do Turtles Eat Ducks?

Turtles' diets vary considerably. Some species of turtles are carnivorous while others prefer plant foods. Snapping turtles in the wild are omnivorous predators, eating both plants and aquatic life; however,…

Can Birds Eat French Fries?

Ofttimes, french fries are prepared with excessive salt content and condiments that can be dangerous to wild birds. Such ingredients may cause choking, severe constipation and blockages within their bowels…

What Is the Dumbest Bird?

Birds tend to be intelligent creatures, with parrots and predatory birds ranking at the top of their intelligence scale. Yet some varieties have earned themselves an unfavorable reputation due to…

Green Birds of Florida

Florida is home to an abundance of green birds. They can be found across different environments including wetlands, deciduous forests, and palm groves. Budgerigars are one of the most prominent…

Liege Fighter Chicken

The Liege fighter chicken is an impressive heritage breed that would make an excellent addition to any flock. Despite their intimidating look, these poultry are friendly towards humans and make…

Do Birds Eat Gum?

Birds feed on seeds, fruits and insects. While birds don't chew like humans do, they do rip and break pieces that are too large to swallow whole. However, although no…

Silver Bird Spiritual Meaning

Dreams involving silver birds typically portend positive changes and transformation. Additionally, it demonstrates your ability to see through people's facades and understand their intentions more fully. Bring silver hawk symbolism…

Will a BB Gun Kill a Bird?

A BB gun is an air-powered weapon used for shooting metallic spherical projectiles similar to combustion-powered hunting rifles but less powerful. Shooting practice rifles are often given to older children…

Can Birds Eat Asparagus?

Asparagus is an abundantly nutritive vegetable that can provide birds with many essential vitamins and minerals in moderate quantities, including Vitamin C, B-6, potassium, calcium, iron magnesium as well as…

Can Rabbits Eat Artichokes?

Rabbits are herbivores and must consume vegetables and plants for proper nutrition. Unfortunately, however, certain vegetables and plants can be toxic to rabbits and should therefore be avoided when possible.Avocado…

Spinach and Horses

Horses are herbivores, and their digestive systems require a diet rich in dietary fiber and essential vitamins and minerals. Though horses typically enjoy eating food, certain items should not be…

Can Horses Eat Figs?

Figs provide horses with essential potassium, fiber and other essential nutrients they require for good health. In addition, they make an ideal sweetener in hay or grain diets. It is…

Why Do Chickens Sunbathe?

Chickens enjoy spending time outside for many reasons: enjoyment, helping their bodies regulate temperature regulation and obtaining some much-needed vitamin D. Many owners become alarmed when they see their chickens…

Can Ducks Eat Raw Pumpkin?

Ducks love pumpkins and their seeds for sustenance. Pumpkin flesh provides essential nutrition without substantial caloric intake; its seeds provide minerals and vitamins like iron, magnesium and calcium as well…

Can Ducks Eat Raw Pumpkin?

Ducks enjoy munching on pumpkin seeds, but it is necessary to grind them before feeding them because otherwise, they could choke. Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of fiber, carbohydrates, protein…

Can Budgies Eat Bread?

Budgies may appear hardy creatures with big personalities, but these tiny birds require special care when it comes to diet and upkeep - especially regarding bread which contains no essential…

Why Do Goats Eat Bamboo?

Goats are browsers and feed on various plants. Bamboo makes for excellent forage for goats and can provide them with essential nutrition that contributes to their wellbeing. However, certain varieties…

Stubborn Horse Breeds

Beginner riders may find large horses intimidating, so selecting a breed with an enjoyable temperament will make your ride more pleasurable. The Fjord Horse breed of Norway is an elegant…

Are Horses Loyal?

Horses have excellent memories, enabling them to remember their human friends after periods of separation. Being treated kindly and respectfully will lead to strong bonds being formed between owner and…

Do Horses Have Fleas?

Horses do not provide ideal living environments for fleas as they do not inhabit tunnels, caves, dens or setts. Furthermore, horses tend to be well-groomed with frequent grooming which makes…

Why Do Horses Eat Snow?

Horses will lick snow to obtain water, but this cannot meet their daily hydration needs. Furthermore, cold icy water requires energy-intensive efforts to bring up to body temperature for consumption…

Gentle Horse Breeds

While any horse can be tranquil, certain breeds naturally exhibit these traits more often. Such horses can make excellent choice for beginners or riders looking to return to riding. Appaloosa…

Can Horses Have Plums?

Although many horses enjoy eating plums, it is important to use them sparingly. Plums contain essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber; plus they may boost immunity while managing blood sugar…

Can Goats Eat Bamboo?

Goats are herbivores and consume various plants as food sources. Bamboo provides essential iron and calcium supplements. In moderation, it will not pose any threat. Bamboo leaves provide goats with…

Why Do Horses Chew on Trees?

Horses often chew tree bark for various reasons, including boredom, insufficient grazing, habit and nutritional deficiencies. To decrease their wood consumption it is crucial to provide enough forage while eliminating…

Dandelion Root For Horses

Dandelions may seem like an annoying pest, but these lovely flowers provide an incredible source of vitamins and minerals that support healthy urination and liver function. Additionally, dandelions provide prebiotic…

Can Horses Eat Mushrooms?

Horses are exposed to many internal and external stresses that can impact their immune system, gut microbiome, and overall health. Mushrooms offer an effective solution to helping them thrive despite…

Horses and Apples

Apples can be an enjoyable treat for horses, yet must be eaten sparingly as too much sugar could lead to digestive problems. Apples provide horses with energy and help them…

Can Horses Eat Kale?

Horses are herbivores and kale is not part of their natural diet, thus increasing risk to health if consumed regularly in large amounts. Kale is full of oxalates and goitrogens…

Can Horses Eat Plums?

Plums can be an enjoyable treat for horses in moderation. Packed full of essential vitamins and minerals, plums also provide antioxidant benefits. However, any plums containing pits or hard seeds…

Why Do Goats Eat Bamboo?

Goats are known as browsers, meaning that they enjoy nibbling away at leaves, twigs, flowers, grasses and bamboo for food. Bamboo provides essential nutrition to goats during periods of drought…

Horse Neck Covers

Used alone or attached to a blanket, horse neck covers can significantly improve comfort and health. Tight and stiff neck muscles become nonexistent with Back on Track's Mesh Neck Cover…

Broccoli For Horses

Broccoli can be an enjoyable treat for horses and offers many essential vitamins and minerals. However, excessive feedings of it could potentially cause digestive issues; to ensure safety for both…

What Can’t Horses Eat?

Horses' digestive systems are tailored for herbivorous diets, and consuming the wrong foods could result in colic, breathing issues or other health complications - some items they shouldn't consume include…

Can Horses Eat Pecans?

Horses are herbivores, meaning that they consume only plants for nutrition. Most of their needs can be met from fresh green forages. Horses may enjoy eating nuts in moderation; however,…

Can Horses Eat Cashews?

Horses should consume cashews in moderation as they contain protein, fiber and healthy fats that provide essential nutrition. To prevent choking hazards they should be fed ground or chopped prior…

Can Horses Eat Cabbage?

Horses may enjoy eating cabbage in limited amounts; this vegetable contains raffinose which may lead to bloat in their gut and eventually colic - an abdominal condition accompanied by severe…

Worst Horse Breeds For Jumping

Equestrian jumping is an exciting competitive sport that requires talent, athleticism and seamless coordination between horse and rider. While all horses can perform this skillful discipline, certain breeds have been…

Can Horses Eat Bamboo?

Bamboo is a fast-growing plant, packed with fiber and 10-20% crude protein content, as well as being an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamins. Michigan State University panda researchers have…

Budweiser Clydesdales

Clydesdales are large and powerful draft horses that look impressive when driven in groups like those seen with Budweiser Clydesdales parades. They're easy to train, with calm temperaments ideal for…

Avocado and Horses

Horses should avoid eating certain fruits, vegetables and plants which contain persin - an acid which has the potential to cause colic, respiratory distress or even cause death - such…

Do Horses Eat Bread?

Bread should only be fed to horses in moderation as it doesn't contain important nutrients like calcium, iron and phosphorus as well as vitamins A-E that they require. Overfeeding can…

The Most Loyal Horse Breeds

Horses are well-known for their loyalty, with each breed possessing its own particular strengths and personalities. One such breed, Appaloosas, are especially reliable horses which can easily be trained for…

Can Horses Eat Eggs?

Eggs are an integral part of racehorses' diets, providing essential protein and an abundance of essential minerals, vitamins, and amino acids - not to mention keeping their coat shiny! Some…

Peanuts and Horses

Giving your horse something new can be nerve-wracking. You want to ensure it meets its dietary requirements without disrupting their health. Though peanuts provide horses with essential nutrition, it must…

Why Are Horses Loyal?

Horses form strong relationships with their owners, often showing affection by nuzzling them or showing loyalty by taking on new challenges together. There are numerous breeds of horses, each possessing…

Can Horses Eat Cauliflower?

Horses are herbivores and should receive most of their nutrition from hay and grain sources; however, vegetables can offer another nutritious source. Such food sources contain essential vitamins and minerals…

Stubborn Horse Breeds

Certain breeds of horses are notoriously difficult for novice riders. These horses tend to be hot-blooded and resistant, often becoming aggressive or stubborn over time. Shire horses are great options…

How Much Does a Cat 336 Cost?

The Cat 336 was designed for maximum versatility with an array of attachments. Furthermore, its improved fuel efficiency and faster cycle times help increase productivity. Furthermore, its spacious ergonomic cab…

Can Cats Have Grits?

Grits contain carbohydrates, which may contribute to weight gain and stomach issues in cats. Furthermore, sugar found in some grits may not be ideal for their health either. Cats may…

Can Cats Eat Horseradish?

Horseradish can be toxic for cats if consumed in large quantities, as its compounds contain agents which irritate their mouth, throat and stomach, leading to vomiting and diarrhea in them.…

Can Cats Eat Hot Chips?

Even though a single bite of hot chips won't kill your cat immediately, even small quantities can have serious adverse effects on their digestive tract and may lead to dehydration,…

Can Cats Eat Microgreens?

Microgreens are small shoots of vegetables and herbs that provide significant nutrition. Easy to grow at home and incorporate into any pet diet easily, microgreens offer many health benefits! Microgreens…

Can Cats Eat Fritos?

Fritos are generally not good for cats as they contain high concentrations of salt and may lead to diarrhea and vomiting in some instances, prompting owners to consult a vet…

Can Cat Pee Get You High?

Cat urine contains high concentrations of ammonia which can be toxic when inhaled directly and may irritate both eyes and respiratory tract. Cat urine is more concentrated than other animal's…

Can Cats See Fire Flame?

Cats are naturally curious creatures, and will often gaze upon open flames like fireplaces and candles with intense curiosity. Sometimes they approach these sources in order to try and warm…

Can Cats Eat Slim Jims?

Slim Jims can be tempting treats for felines, but their ingredients could potentially pose health issues to feline friends. Giving treats occasionally to your feline friend is fine - just…

Can Cats Eat Grits?

Grits are a form of coarsely ground cornmeal popular in the South United States. You can serve them alone or add cheese and other ingredients. Unfortunately, though, grits contain high…

Can Cats Eat Caviar?

Caviar is a luxurious food composed of salt-cured roe from sturgeon fish, considered an exquisite complement to champagne or dry sparkling wines, or premium Russian vodkas. Traditional caviar can be…

Can Cats Have Plantains?

Plantains are cousins to bananas, and contain essential vitamins and minerals such as iron, potassium, and magnesium. Plantains should only be fed occasionally as their high concentration of sugar and…

Can Cats Eat Jicama?

Jicama offers many health advantages when consumed in small portions. It contains low amounts of calories and sugar while offering plenty of water content and antioxidant protection. However, cats should…

Can Cats Have Funyuns?

Funyuns contain onion powder, which can be fatal to cats. Furthermore, their salt and fat content could contribute to feline obesity, weight gain and dehydration. Funyuns contain unhealthy ingredients that…

Why Do Cats Eat Their Whisker?

Whiskers serve more than just aesthetic purposes for cats; they act as high-powered antennae to deliver signals directly into its brain and nervous system. These ultra-sensitive sensory organs (called proprioceptors…

Spinach For Parakeets

Spinach can be one of the top foods for parakeets, yet you must consider its high oxalate content that could lead to crystal formation and binding of certain minerals. Parakeets…

Can Cats Have Grits?

Grits may be safe for cats in small quantities, but should not become part of their regular diet. Grits are high in carbohydrates but lack essential vitamins and minerals essential…

Can Cats Eat Horseradish?

Horseradish is a root vegetable widely used for its spicy taste in cooking. While not toxic to cats, horseradish may still cause digestive disturbances that include drooling, vomiting and diarrhea…

Are Tires Toxic to Cats?

Cats are natural chewers. Unfortunately, their curiosity often draws them towards items which could potentially make them sick, such as tires. Tires when burned release harmful chemicals into the air…

Do Cats Eat Ducklings?

Cats are natural hunters and obligate carnivores, which means they will hunt and consume anything living, including ducks. Wild or feral cats frequently prey upon ducks as prey items. Domestic…

Can Cats Eat Muffins?

Muffin recipes typically consist of flour, sugar, butter, eggs, milk and baking powder; many also include nuts for topping that can cause difficulty for cats to chew resulting in choking…

Can Pepperoni Kill a Cat?

Pepperoni won't typically cause any issues for cats when eaten occasionally, but feeding it regularly could result in vomiting and diarrhea as gastrointestinal conditions become evident. Pepperoni pizza preparation with…

Can Cats Eat Gummies?

Cats are obligate carnivores and should avoid eating large quantities of sugary treats as it cannot be digested properly and may lead to stomachache, vomit or diarrhea in them. Sugary…

Can Cats Get Mononucleosis?

Mononucleosis, also known as Epstein-Barr virus (a herpesvirus), can be transmitted through saliva - sharing beverages or eating utensils can make transmission likely, as can kissing. People suffering from mono…

Can Cats Eat Aquaphor?

Dogs tend to like eating things they shouldn't, prompting many pet owners to spend a considerable sum pet-proofing their homes. Yet dogs still manage to find ways into potentially hazardous…

Can Cats Eat Octopus?

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they obtain all their nutrition through meat sources. Octopus provides many health benefits for cats when fed cooked rather than raw. Eating raw octopus…

Can Cats Eat Gummy Bears?

Gummy bears are a favorite treat among humans. Unfortunately, cats shouldn't consume them; their high sugar content and gelatin content pose serious choking hazards to felines and could lead to…

Can Cats Eat Turnips?

Turnips are an extremely low-calorie vegetable packed with essential nutrients. As such, they make an ideal nutritous treat for cats as a nutritious treat or occasional food source; however they…